“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”
Psalm 23:6
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Mr Lim Say Mee
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Age: 65
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Called home to the Lord on 1st December 2018 (Saturday).
Dearly missed and fondly remembered by loved ones.
Wake starts from 1st December 2018 (Saturday)
Blk 284 Toh Guan Road,
Singapore 600284 (map)
Night service on
2nd December 2018 (Sunday)
at 8.00pm
Funeral on
3rd December 2018 (Monday)
Encoffin at 7.00pm
Cortege leaves wake at 7.15am
Mandai Crematorium Hall 3 (map)
Cremation service from
8.15pm – 8.45pm