"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”
Psalm 23:6
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Mdm Pushparani Bappu Age: 70 Called home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, 22 February 2023. Dearly missed and fondly remembered by loved ones. ________________

Words of comfort & memories for the family may be shared at this link: https://agbc.life/AG4991CARD

Wednesday, 22 Febraury 2023
5.00 pm to 10.00 pm
Thursday, 23 February 2023
10.00 am to 3.00 pm

at Blk 283 Tampines Street 22,
Singapore 520283

Thursday, 23 February 2023
a. Encoffin at 3.30 pm
b. Cortege leaves from wake at 3.45 pm
c. Church Mass at 4.00 pm
Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity
20 Tampines St. 11, Singapore 529455
d. Cortege leave from church at 5.00 pm
Mandai Crematorium Service Hall 01
300 Mandai Rd, Singapore 779393
e. Cremation Service from 6.30 pm to 7.00 pm