Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Psalm 23:6
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Ms Lieu Swee Lin
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Age: 78
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Called home to the Lord on 22 July 2018 (Sunday).
Dearly missed and fondly remembered by loved ones.
Vigil starts from 1.30pm on 23 July 2018 (Monday)
Apparition Hall, Our Lady Of Lourdes
50 Ophir Road, Singapore 188690 (map)
Night service on
23 July (Monday)
at 8.00pm
Funeral on
24 July 2018 (Tuesday)
Encoffin at 3.45pm
Cortege leaves at 4.00pm
Mandai Crematorium Hall 1 (map)
Cremation service from
5.00pm to 5.30pm
"The Family of the late Lieu Swee Lin would like to express their heartfelt appreciation to their relatives and friends for the assistance, attendance, condolences, donations, and wreaths during their recent bereavement.
We also offer our sincere gratitude to the doctors, nurses and volunteers of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Renci Hospital, Dover Park Hospice, as well as the Pastors and church members of Faith Assembly of God, for their loving support and prayers."